# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# mPlane Protocol Reference Implementation
# Component and Client Job Scheduling
# (c) 2013-2014 mPlane Consortium (http://www.ict-mplane.eu)
# Author: Brian Trammell <brian@trammell.ch>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Implements the dynamics of capabilities, specifications, and
results within the mPlane reference component.
from datetime import datetime
import threading
import mplane.model
import mplane.azn
[docs]class Service(object):
A Service binds some runnable code to an
mplane.model.Capability provided by a component.
To use services with an mPlane scheduler, inherit from
mplane.scheduler.Service or one of its subclasses
and implement run().
def __init__(self, capability):
super(Service, self).__init__()
self._capability = capability
[docs] def run(self, specification, check_interrupt):
Run this service given a specification which matches the capability.
This is called by the scheduler, and should be implemented by
a concrete subclass of Service.
The implementation should extract its parameters from a given
mplane.model.Specification, and return its result values in a
mplane.model.Result derived therefrom.
After each row or logically grouped set of rows, the implementation
should call the check_interrupt function to determine whether it
should stop; if this function returns True, the implementation should
terminate its processing in an orderly fashion and return its results.
Each method will be called within its own thread and/or process.
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot instantiate an abstract Service")
[docs] def capability(self):
"""Returns the capability belonging to this service"""
return self._capability
[docs] def set_capability_link(self, link):
"""Sets the link section in the capability schema"""
def __repr__(self):
return "<Service for "+repr(self._capability)+">"
[docs]class Job(object):
A Job binds some running code to an mPlane.model.Specification
within a component. A Job can be thought of as a specific
instance of a Service presently running, or ready to run at some
point in the future.
Each Job will result in a single Result.
result = None
exception = None
_thread = None
_started_at = None
_ended_at = None
_exception_at = None
_replied_at = None
service = None
session = None
specification = None
receipt = None
_interrupt = None
def __init__(self, service, specification, session=None, callback=None):
super(Job, self).__init__()
self.service = service
self.session = session
self.specification = specification
self.receipt = mplane.model.Receipt(specification=specification)
self._interrupt = threading.Event()
self._callback = callback
def __repr__(self):
return "<Job for "+repr(self.specification)+">"
def _run(self):
self._started_at = datetime.utcnow()
self.result = self.service.run(self.specification,
except Exception as e:
self.exception = mplane.model.Exception(
print("Got exception in _run(), returning "+str(self.exception))
self._exception_at = datetime.utcnow()
self._ended_at = datetime.utcnow()
if self._callback:
def _check_interrupt(self):
return self._interrupt.is_set()
def _schedule_now(self):
# spawn a thread to run the service
[docs] def schedule(self):
Schedule this job to run.
# Always schedule queries immediately without interrupt
if self.specification.is_schedulable():
(start_delay, end_delay) = self.specification.when().timer_delays()
(start_delay, end_delay) = (0, None)
if start_delay is None:
# start interrupt timer
if end_delay is not None and not hasattr(self.service, 'relay'):
threading.Timer(end_delay, self.interrupt).start()
print("Will interrupt "+repr(self)+" after "+str(end_delay)+" sec")
# start start timer
if start_delay > 0:
print("Scheduling "+repr(self)+" after "+str(start_delay)+" sec")
threading.Timer(start_delay, self._schedule_now).start()
print("Scheduling "+repr(self)+" immediately")
[docs] def interrupt(self):
"""Interrupt this job."""
[docs] def failed(self):
"""A job only fails if it is finished and has no results"""
return self.exception is not None
[docs] def finished(self):
Return False if the job is not complete
and if there are results pending.
Otherwise return True
return self.result is not None
[docs] def get_reply(self):
If a result is available for this Job (i.e., if the job is
done running), return it. Otherwise, create a receipt from
the Specification and return that.
self._replied_at = datetime.utcnow()
if self.failed():
return self.exception
elif self.finished():
return self.result
return self.receipt
[docs]class MultiJob(object):
A MultiJob spawns multiple jobs determined by its schedule.
Each MultiJob will result in multiple result rows, one for each sub-job.
jobs = []
results = None
service = None
session = None
specification = None
receipt = None
_replied_at = None
_scheduling_finished = False
_subspec_iterator = None
def __init__(self, service, specification, session=None, max_results=0, callback=None):
super(MultiJob, self).__init__()
self.service = service
self.session = session
self.specification = specification
self.receipt = mplane.model.Receipt(specification=specification)
self.results = mplane.model.Envelope(token=specification.get_token(),
self._subspec_iterator = specification.subspec_iterator()
self._max_results = int(max_results)
self._callback = callback
def __repr__(self):
return "<MultiJob for "+repr(self.specification)+">"
def _schedule_job(self):
Schedule a job.
new_job = Job(service=self.service,
def _next_job(self):
Gets the next job and schedules it.
self._subspec = next(self._subspec_iterator)
except StopIteration:
self._scheduling_finished = True
(start_delay, end_delay) = self._subspec.when().timer_delays()
# if no start_delay for the next run was found we should stop this MultiJob
if start_delay is None:
self._scheduling_finished = True
# start start timer
if start_delay > 0:
print("Scheduling "+repr(self._subspec)+" from "+repr(self)+" after "+str(start_delay)+" sec")
threading.Timer(start_delay, self._schedule_job).start()
print("Scheduling "+repr(self._subspec)+" from "+repr(self)+" immediately")
[docs] def schedule(self):
Scheduling start function
if self.specification.is_schedulable():
(start_delay, end_delay) = self.specification.when().timer_delays()
(start_delay, end_delay) = (0, None)
# if no start_delay for the next run was found we should stop this MultiJob
if start_delay is None:
self._scheduling_finished = True
# start interrupt timer
if end_delay is not None:
threading.Timer(end_delay, self.interrupt).start()
print("Will interrupt "+repr(self)+" after "+str(end_delay)+" sec")
# begin scheduling of all jobs
[docs] def interrupt(self):
"""Interrupt all jobs."""
for job in self.jobs:
[docs] def failed(self):
"""A multijob will only fail if it is finished and has no results"""
if self.finished() and len(self.results) == 0:
return True
return False
[docs] def finished(self):
"""Return True if all jobs are complete."""
if not self._scheduling_finished:
return False
if len(self.jobs) > 0:
return False
return True
def _collect_results(self):
"""Stores the last self.max_results results."""
for job in self.jobs[:]:
if job.failed() or job.finished():
[docs] def get_reply(self):
If results are available for this MultiJob, return them.
Otherwise, create a receipt from the Specification and return that.
self._replied_at = datetime.utcnow()
if len(self.results) > 0:
return self.results
return self.receipt
def _job_callback(self, arg):
if self._callback:
[docs]class Scheduler(object):
Scheduler implements the common runtime of a Component within the
reference implementation. Components register Services bound to
Capabilities with add_service(), and submit jobs for scheduling using
def __init__(self, config=None):
super(Scheduler, self).__init__()
if config:
self.azn = mplane.azn.Authorization(config)
if "component" not in config.sections():
self._max_results = 0
# get max results to store
self._max_results = config.getint("component", "scheduler_max_results")
self._max_results = 0
self.azn = mplane.azn.Authorization()
self.services = []
self.jobs = {}
self._capability_cache = {}
[docs] def process_message(self, user, msg, session=None, callback=None):
Process a message. If msg is a mplane.model.Specification and
the callback parameter is set to a function this function is
called with a mplane.model.Receipt each time a result is available.
Returns a message to send in reply.
reply = None
if isinstance(msg, mplane.model.Specification):
reply = self.submit_job(user, specification=msg, session=session, callback=callback)
elif isinstance(msg, mplane.model.Redemption):
job_key = msg.get_token()
if job_key in self.jobs:
job = self.jobs[job_key]
reply = job.get_reply()
if job.finished():
self.jobs.pop(job_key, None)
reply = mplane.model.Exception(token=job_key,
errmsg="Unknown job")
elif isinstance(msg, mplane.model.Interrupt):
job_key = msg.get_token()
if job_key in self.jobs:
job = self.jobs[job_key]
print("Interrupting " + job.specification.get_label())
reply = job.get_reply()
reply = mplane.model.Exception(token=job_key,
errmsg="Unknown job")
reply = mplane.model.Exception(token=msg.get_token(),
errmsg="Unexpected message type")
return reply
[docs] def add_service(self, service):
"""Add a service to this Scheduler"""
print("Added "+repr(service))
cap = service.capability()
self._capability_cache[cap.get_token()] = cap
[docs] def capability_keys(self):
Return keys (tokens) for the set of cached capabilities
provided by this scheduler's services.
return self._capability_cache.keys()
[docs] def capability_for_key(self, key):
Return a capability for a given key.
return self._capability_cache[key]
[docs] def submit_job(self, user, specification, session=None, callback=None):
Search the available Services for one which can
service the given Specification, then create and schedule
a new Job to execute the statement.
# linearly search the available services
for service in self.services:
if specification.fulfills(service.capability()):
if self.azn.check(service.capability(), user):
# Found. Create a new job.
print(repr(service)+" matches "+repr(specification))
if (specification.when().is_repeated() and
# the service is not a RelayService from supervisor.py,
# handle it as a normal multijob
not hasattr(service, 'relay')):
new_job = MultiJob(service=service,
new_job = Job(service=service,
# Key by the receipt's token, and return
job_key = new_job.receipt.get_token()
if job_key in self.jobs:
# Job already running. Return receipt
print(repr(self.jobs[job_key])+" already running")
return self.jobs[job_key].receipt
# Keep track of the job and return receipt
self.jobs[job_key] = new_job
print("Returning "+repr(new_job.receipt))
return new_job.receipt
# user not authorized to request the capability
print("Not allowed to request this capability: " + repr(specification))
return mplane.model.Exception(token=specification.get_token(),
errmsg="User has no permission to request this capability")
# fall-through, no job
print("No service for "+repr(specification))
return mplane.model.Exception(token=specification.get_token(),
errmsg="No service registered for specification")
[docs] def job_for_message(self, msg):
Given a message (generally a Redemption),
return the Job matching its token.
return self.jobs[msg.get_token()]
[docs] def prune_jobs(self):
Currently does nothing. Will remove Jobs which are
finished and whose Results have been retrieved
from the scheduler in a future version.