Source code for mplane.component

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# mPlane Software Development Kit
# Component framework
# (c) 2015 mPlane Consortium (
#     Author: Stefano Pentassuglia <>
#             Brian Trammell <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.

import mplane.utils
import mplane.model
import mplane.azn
import mplane.tls
import importlib
import tornado.web
import tornado.httpserver
from datetime import datetime
import time
from time import sleep
import urllib3
from threading import Thread
import json


class BaseComponent(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        # FIXME use registry preload
        self.tls = mplane.tls.TlsState(self.config)
        self.scheduler = mplane.scheduler.Scheduler(config)
        for service in self._services():

    def _services(self):
        services = []
        for section in self.config.sections():
            if section.startswith("module_"):
                module = importlib.import_module(self.config[section]["module"])
                kwargs = {}
                for arg in self.config[section]:
                    if not arg.startswith("module"):
                        kwargs[arg] = self.config[section][arg]
                for service in**kwargs):
        return services

class ListenerHttpComponent(BaseComponent):

    def __init__(self, config, io_loop=None):
        port = config.getint("component", "listen-port")
        super(ListenerHttpComponent, self).__init__(config)

        application = tornado.web.Application([
            (r"/", MessagePostHandler, {'scheduler': self.scheduler, 'tlsState': self.tls}),
            (r"/"+CAPABILITY_PATH_ELEM, DiscoveryHandler, {'scheduler': self.scheduler, 'tlsState': self.tls}),
            (r"/"+CAPABILITY_PATH_ELEM+"/.*", DiscoveryHandler, {'scheduler': self.scheduler, 'tlsState': self.tls})
        http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application, ssl_options=self.tls.get_ssl_options())
        comp_t = Thread(target=self.listen_in_background(io_loop))

    def listen_in_background(self, io_loop):
        """ The component listens for requests in background """
        if io_loop is None:

[docs]class MPlaneHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """ Abstract tornado RequestHandler that allows a handler to respond with an mPlane Message. """ def _respond_message(self, msg): self.set_status(200) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-mplane+json") self.write(mplane.model.unparse_json(msg)) self.finish()
[docs]class DiscoveryHandler(MPlaneHandler): """ Exposes the capabilities registered with a given scheduler. URIs ending with "capability" will result in an HTML page listing links to each capability. """ def initialize(self, scheduler, tlsState): self.scheduler = scheduler self.tls = tlsState def get(self): # capabilities path = self.request.path.split("/")[1:] if path[0] == CAPABILITY_PATH_ELEM: if (len(path) == 1 or path[1] is None): self._respond_capability_links() else: self._respond_capability(path[1]) else: # FIXME how do we tell tornado we don't want to handle this? raise ValueError("I only know how to handle /"+CAPABILITY_PATH_ELEM+" URLs via HTTP GET") def _respond_capability_links(self): self.set_status(200) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html") self.write("<html><head><title>Capabilities</title></head><body>") for key in self.scheduler.capability_keys(): if self.scheduler.azn.check(self.scheduler.capability_for_key(key), self.tls.extract_peer_identity(self.request)): self.write("<a href='/capability/" + key + "'>" + key + "</a><br/>") self.write("</body></html>") self.finish() def _respond_capability(self, key): self._respond_message(self.scheduler.capability_for_key(key))
[docs]class MessagePostHandler(MPlaneHandler): """ Receives mPlane messages POSTed from a client, and passes them to a scheduler for processing. After waiting for a specified delay to see if a Result is immediately available, returns a receipt for future redemption. """ def initialize(self, scheduler, tlsState, immediate_ms = 5000): self.scheduler = scheduler self.tls = tlsState self.immediate_ms = immediate_ms def get(self): # message self.set_status(200) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html") self.write("<html><head><title>mplane.httpsrv</title></head><body>") self.write("This is an mplane.httpsrv instance. POST mPlane messages to this URL to use.<br/>") self.write("<a href='/"+CAPABILITY_PATH_ELEM+"'>Capabilities</a> provided by this server:<br/>") for key in self.scheduler.capability_keys(): if self.scheduler.azn.check(self.scheduler.capability_for_key(key), self.tls.extract_peer_identity(self.request)): self.write("<br/><pre>") self.write(mplane.model.unparse_json(self.scheduler.capability_for_key(key))) self.write("</body></html>") self.finish() def post(self): # unwrap json message from body if (self.request.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/x-mplane+json"): msg = mplane.model.parse_json(self.request.body.decode("utf-8")) else: # FIXME how do we tell tornado we don't want to handle this? raise ValueError("I only know how to handle mPlane JSON messages via HTTP POST") # hand message to scheduler reply = self.scheduler.process_message(self.tls.extract_peer_identity(self.request), msg) # wait for immediate delay if self.immediate_ms > 0 and \ isinstance(msg, mplane.model.Specification) and \ isinstance(reply, mplane.model.Receipt): job = self.scheduler.job_for_message(reply) wait_start = datetime.utcnow() while (datetime.utcnow() - wait_start).total_seconds() * 1000 < self.immediate_ms: time.sleep(SLEEP_QUANTUM) if job.failed() or job.finished(): reply = job.get_reply() break # return reply self._respond_message(reply)
class InitiatorHttpComponent(BaseComponent): def __init__(self, config, supervisor=False): self._supervisor = supervisor super(InitiatorHttpComponent, self).__init__(config) if "TLS" not in self.config.sections(): scheme = "http" else: scheme = "https" host = self.config["component"]["client_host"] port = self.config.getint("component", "client_port") self.url = urllib3.util.url.Url(scheme=scheme, host=host, port=port) self.registration_path = self.config["component"]["registration_path"] if not self.registration_path.startswith("/"): self.registration_path = "/" + self.registration_path self.specification_path = self.config["component"]["specification_path"] if not self.specification_path.startswith("/"): self.specification_path = "/" + self.specification_path self.result_path = self.config["component"]["result_path"] if not self.result_path.startswith("/"): self.result_path = "/" + self.result_path self.pool = self.tls.pool_for(self.url.scheme,, self.url.port) self.register_to_client() # periodically poll the Client/Supervisor for Specifications print("Checking for Specifications...") t = Thread(target=self.check_for_specs) t.start() def register_to_client(self, caps=None): """ Sends a list of capabilities to the Client, in order to register them """ env = mplane.model.Envelope() connected = False while not connected: try: self._client_identity = self.tls.extract_peer_identity(self.url) connected = True except: print("Client/Supervisor unreachable. Retrying connection in 5 seconds") sleep(5) # If caps is not None, register that if caps is not None: for cap in caps: if self.scheduler.azn.check(cap, self._client_identity): env.append_message(cap) else: # generate the envelope containing the capability list no_caps_exposed = True for key in self.scheduler.capability_keys(): cap = self.scheduler.capability_for_key(key) if self.scheduler.azn.check(cap, self._client_identity): env.append_message(cap) no_caps_exposed = False if no_caps_exposed is True and self._supervisor == False: print("\nNo Capabilities are being exposed to " + self._client_identity + ", check permissions in config file. Exiting") exit(0) # add callback capability to the list callback_cap = mplane.model.Capability(label="callback", when = "now ... future") env.append_message(callback_cap) # send the envelope to the client res = self.pool.urlopen('POST',self.registration_path, body=mplane.model.unparse_json(env).encode("utf-8"), headers={"content-type": "application/x-mplane+json"}) # handle response message if res.status == 200: body = json.loads("utf-8")) print("\nCapability registration outcome:") for key in body: if body[key]['registered'] == "ok": print(key + ": Ok") else: print(key + ": Failed (" + body[key]['reason'] + ")") print("") else: print("Error registering capabilities, Client/Supervisor said: " + str(res.status) + " - " +"utf-8")) exit(1) def check_for_specs(self): """ Poll the client for specifications """ while(True): # FIXME configurable default idle time. self.idle_time = 5 # send a request for specifications res = self.pool.request('GET', self.specification_path) if res.status == 200: # specs retrieved: split them if there is more than one env = mplane.model.parse_json("utf-8")) for spec in env.messages(): # handle callbacks if spec.get_label() == "callback": self.idle_time = spec.when().timer_delays()[1] break # hand spec to scheduler reply = self.scheduler.process_message(self._client_identity, spec, callback=self.return_results) # send receipt to the Client/Supervisor res = self.pool.urlopen('POST', self.result_path, body=mplane.model.unparse_json(reply).encode("utf-8"), headers={"content-type": "application/x-mplane+json"}) # not registered on supervisor, need to re-register elif res.status == 428: print("\nRe-registering capabilities on Client/Supervisor") self.register_to_supervisor() sleep(self.idle_time) def return_results(self, receipt): """ Checks if a job is complete, and in case sends it to the Client/Supervisor """ job = self.scheduler.job_for_message(receipt) reply = job.get_reply() # check if job is completed if (job.finished() is not True and job.failed() is not True): return # send result to the Client/Supervisor res = self.pool.urlopen('POST', self.result_path, body=mplane.model.unparse_json(reply).encode("utf-8"), headers={"content-type": "application/x-mplane+json"}) # handle response if isinstance(reply, mplane.model.Envelope): for msg in reply.messages(): label = msg.get_label() break else: if isinstance(reply, mplane.model.Exception): print("Exception for " + reply.get_token() + " successfully returned!") return label = reply.get_label() if res.status == 200: print("Result for " + label + " successfully returned!") else: print("Error returning Result for " + label) print("Client/Supervisor said: " + str(res.status) + " - " +"utf-8")) pass